Everyone knows where they want to be and where they are going; in the yogic tradition, this is called Brahman, the highest state of human consciousness so far revealed. It's beyond all likes and dislikes, desires and co-dependencies. This inkling of knowing we all possess, keeps us traversing and searching our path, done knowingly and unknowingly in every choice we make.
Being without scruples is an elusive, illusive state on the path, an achievement without achieving, a place you never retreat from because you don't know you're there, beyond manipulation, on the outskirts of Brahman.
You could have reached this state already and deserve certification so that others may know. Certification is a recognition that you're well on the way to Brahman. With the popularity of yoga and all the various teachings, classes, followings, you may have reached this state of consciousness, you may be ready for your certification.
Students everywhere need these teachers, these gifted sadhaks, we students secretly tire of the codependency of socialization and long for a yogi without scruples. You could already be this yogi.